Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Amarielle: Joining with us today is Chatty_Katty; Billy_DA_Duck; Silly_Philly; and Yolkly_Youkilis. Good Day all you beings. I live under the sea in Fugibeba. This is located south of Mars, north of China, west of the circus, and east of Pinkham. Yes Pinkham is a new planet they just discovered with pink ham.
Chatty_Katty: HEY GIRLFRIEND! I'm from Hungary. We don't have much money here so we are always hungry. Does the water Fugi come from your planet?
Billy_DA_Duck: Yo Yo Yo, Whats crackalackin in the...
Chatty_Katty: Hey Boyfriend! Are you single? I dig ducks.

Billy_DA_Duck: ...uh, whats happenin in the...

Chatty_Katty: Whats goin on!? No one answered my question!

Silly_Philly: OMG! someone please block her before...

Chatty_Katty: DO, RE, ME, FA, SO, LA, TI, DO my question...

Amariaelle: Is this fugi a chemical induced drug that is disguised as a transparent liquid that can blow you up?

Chatty_Katty: umm i don't know, maybe i will go try some! BYE!

Chatty_Katty signed off

Billy_DA_Duck: Well now that she's gone. I'm from duckworld, where ducks rule all. We eat each other on DuckFast. It is Every morning on the 12th saturday of tomorrow. Come Join All The Fun!

Billy_DA_Duck: So Amariaelle wat your cities like ova' there.

Amarielle: Well in Fugibeba, we have big and little cities and towns. Like in Fugibeba there is a town called Aquafifi, and big citie called Dasanwee.

Yolky_Youkilis: Thats cool, over here we have many religions, I'm a follower of Soxentology. The religion is VERY complex because, we sacrifice our ducks and other animals but mostly ducks. Sometimes we even sacrifice each other.

Billy_DA_Duck: HEY NOW!!!! why do you guys sacrifice ducks why not cows!! I mean im a duck are you gunna sacrifice me!? or what!!

Yolky_Youkilis: calm down billy everything will be alright! we only sacrifice them if someone does something wrong! thats it i swear!

Billy_DA_Duck: ohh really. so you take it out on us poor ducks instead of taking it out on the person who did the wrong!?

Yolky_Youkilis: well i supposed your right there maybe i should try and fix that if it affects you that much.

Billy_DA_Duck: it affects me a lot actually.

Yolky_Youkilis: okay i will change it ASAP!

Chatty_Katty has signed back in

Chatty_Katty: You know I was going to talk about Social Classes, because on Earth we have many Social Classes, there are kings and queens, and presidents, and mayors, and the peasants.


Chatty_Katty: Oh, hi Silly_Philly. I have to go now anyways so bye-bye!

Chatty_Katty has signed off

Silly_Philly: Oh thank god!

Yolky_Youkilis: I love god!

Billy_DA_Duck: I bet you do! But I'm gonna tell u about wat goes down here! Here we have a really organized govt. They plan things to the highest extent and control everything that goes on. Its aewsome mann!

Silly_Philly: You know the government really helps out with job specialization, thats where we have specialized people doing their own specialized jobs, its really cool.

Amerielle: Aewsome, you know something really interesting about Fugibeba! We have art and architecture. Its really cool, with the art we express ideas and other cool things and with architecture we build a lot of really cool buildings.

Billy_DA_Duck: You know what else we have, public works, which are projects paid with funds and taxes paid by the people here. Some examples are of these project works are the min highways the capitol buildings. There are much more but we wont go into much detail.

Amerielle: Thats cool dude!

Silly_Philly: There's one more thing that we have too do!

Yolky_Youkilis: And what might that be, Silly_Philly?!?

Silly_Philly: Well we have words and ideas, or we like to call it language/ writing. We use it to express oursleves with symbols and writing.

Amerielle: Wow! Thats really exciting.

Billy_DA_Duck: Yeah, thats bangin'

Amerielle: Yeah well i'm bangin. Your not billy. Because i am. And if ya wanna be a mermaid. You gotta have a tail. And if you don't have a mom well dont come cryin to me Cause im under the sea. Under the sea. Leave it to me cause i sing under the sea. Tehe.

Yolky_Youkilis: Umm i eat bananas. I also like potatoes. ha ha ha. And i am an egg yolk manny man. So you better watch out. you better not cry. So Goodbye.

At this moment the egg yolk blew everyone up because he was so mad. You better watch out for him uncle phil. He will come and you wont know because he will be in your intenstines after you ate him. Watch out for the egg yolks.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!