Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Early Womens Work Chat with Amandary.

Welcome to the Chat Room of the past and present. You are here with:


The hostess: Amandary.


Amandary: Welcome Everyone. My name is a Amandary. I am from the present. Our work between men and women are balanced out. Meaning the men have their jobs to do and the women have their jobs to do, which overall balanced out. Yes, my name is combine with Amanda and Mary because I have a conjoined head with my sister Mary. She says hello. Now i have brought in people from the past, present, and the future. Let's talk women's duties!

Futuristic_Felcia: Greetings earth friends. I am Felcia. I live in the future in the sky. Women rule the future. The men are simply our slaves. We women do whatever, whenever we want. We have the men do our dirty work. I want to learn about the past, let's here it Patricia!

I_like_the_past_Patricia: GAHHH! That is how we say hello in the past. We women have to take care of the children, we make clothing, we cook, we do pottery, we sometimes even make tools. We also come up with the healing methods. So basically the women in my time have much more work to do than in the future. Jehhh! Thats how we say bye!

Amandary: Now you know how all the women, past, present, and future live. Thanks, I will see you all next week with our special chat about hotdogs past, present, and future. BYE!